Before making your payment be sure to fill out the RSVP form.
RSVP for this event (click here to fill out form)
Make your payment by credit card, debit card, or PayPal account by:
1) Selecting below how much you would like to pay toward your reunion fee
- Select one item or event and click on "Add to Cart" button
- Repeat the process by selecting each additional item or event that you would
like to purchase and "Add to Cart"
- Adjust quantity of listed items (if applicable) when you view your shopping
Note: A $2.00 transaction fee will be charged for each transaction and
itemized as "Shipping and Handling" on final check out
2) Ensuring your shopping cart is correct by viewing it
3) Going to Check Out
4) Securely entering your personal information and payment method
5) Finalizing transaction
IMPORTANT - As of July 14, for those who previously purchased the Dinner Cruise for $90.00, please pay the additional $30 upcharge below due to a recent price change required by the cruise line.
RSVP for this event (click here to fill out form)
Make your payment by credit card, debit card, or PayPal account by:
1) Selecting below how much you would like to pay toward your reunion fee
- Select one item or event and click on "Add to Cart" button
- Repeat the process by selecting each additional item or event that you would
like to purchase and "Add to Cart"
- Adjust quantity of listed items (if applicable) when you view your shopping
Note: A $2.00 transaction fee will be charged for each transaction and
itemized as "Shipping and Handling" on final check out
2) Ensuring your shopping cart is correct by viewing it
3) Going to Check Out
4) Securely entering your personal information and payment method
5) Finalizing transaction
IMPORTANT - As of July 14, for those who previously purchased the Dinner Cruise for $90.00, please pay the additional $30 upcharge below due to a recent price change required by the cruise line.
View shopping cart