Who Can I Contact?
Hicks & Slicks Reunion at Massanutten Resort
Each participant is responsible for calling the Resort Group Reservations number to reserve lodging accommodations. A block of 24 units will be exclusively available to Hicks and Slicks participants at the advertised rates. Please express to the Group Reservations agent that you are booking your room under the "Hicks and Slicks" group block.
Group Reservations:
Phone – (540) 289-4952
[email protected]
If you have trouble reaching Group Reservations, try contacting Harleyjean Lawson at (540) 289-4032 [office] or (540) 607-7742 [mobile]. You can also email her at [email protected] to reserve your room.
IMPORTANT: Book your room(s) with a deposit by June 6, 2022.